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E-WMS - how to use password encryption in Connections.config

WMS documentation



This documents describes how to use an encrypted password in the configuration file Connections.config for E-WMS ASP.



From product update 409 you are able to use an encrypted password in the WMS ASP configuration file Connections.config. This is supported for WMSclient, and will also work when using Internet Explorer as client.


The file connections.config contains the SQL databases accessed by WMS ASP, with the SQL user and password to use for the connection:



E-WMS provides a tool to generate an encrypted password, by starting the page admin.aspx on your WMS website:


Type or copy the password into the top text box, and press 'encrypt'.

Then copy and paste the encrypted password into Connections.config:



Points of attention

  • For security reasons, the encryption tool URL can only be used on host
    When using for example 'http://localhost/wms/admin.aspx' or 'http://wmsserver/wms/admin.aspx' you will see the message 'Not available'.
  • Using an encrypted password is optional, not mandatory
  • An encrypted password generated by E-WMS always starts with '****', this way E-WMS knows you are using an encrypted password when reading Connections.config for the scanner login page.
  • The encryption tool page is always in English



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 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 25.991.099
 Assortment:  Date: 17-06-2016
 Release:  Attachment: